What are the differences between the Hoover back pack vacuum and the GV 8 quart back pack vacuum? Both weigh about the same. Both are made in China. Both are good quality with a 2 year manufacturer warranty. Both have similar power. Both have 3 stage filtration with HEPA filtration.
So here are some of the differences.
1. The GV is rated with a 8 quart bag size and the Hoover is rated with a 6.4 quart vacuum bag size.
2. The GV usually sells for about 20 to 50 dollars less. The Hoover is the more well known name and with similar quality your paying for that name.
3. With the GV it can be used as a blower and inflator (comes with 3 different sized inflator tools to inflate different items or can be used to blow out keyboards). It can also be used to blow dust out of your garage. The Hoover does not have this feature.
4. Brushroll head. The GV comes with all the standard tools PLUS the air powered head with the brushroll. This is great for vacuuming lower pile carpet, throw rugs as well as the head works good on hard floor surfaces as well. The hoover does not have this feature or head and uses the tools that are straight suction only which is good for any non carpeted surfaces.
5. Cord Length - One of the biggest things that add to the weight of a vacuum is cord length and cord thickness. Manufacturers try and get around this by putting the non commercial cords on them. However if the vacuum is ever used in a commercial setting that thin cord can be quickly ruined and need to be replaced. The Hoover back pack vacuum comes with a 50 foot cord (very nice) and the GV 8 quart vacuum does not come with a cord which is even better. Why is that better? Because the GV 8 quart is designed to be used with a extension cord of your choice. If you are using the vacuum in a home then you probably only need a 30 foot non commercial cord. There is nothing more annoying than having 20 extra feet of cord your dragging everywhere if you don't need it. If you need a 50 foot cord then buy a 50 foot extension cord (extension cords are inexpensive at your local hardware store). If you need a commercial quality cord buy that cord. So with the GV it allows you to buy the cord you need based on how or what you are going to use the vacuum for.
Here at GreatVacs.com the GV 8 quart is our most popular selling Back Pack vacuum. We also sell other brand like Proteam, and GV also makes a more powerful 10 quart version (usually used in more commercial applications) as well. To see all of our back pack vacuums please go to Back Pack Vacuums