How to Shampoo with a Kirby Vacuum

How to Shampoo with a Kirby Vacuum

Did you know that Kirby vacuums can also be used to shampoo carpets? Today we’re going to show you how to use your Kirby shampooing system with your...

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How Long Does It Take For Carpet To Dry After Cleaning And Shampooing With A Kirby vacuum?


Shampooing your carpets is an essential step of the cleaning process, but most Americans avoid it. 

Why do we avoid it?  Because old shampooing technology has over complicated it. ...

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5 Things You Never Knew a Kirby Vacuum Can Do

5 Things You Never Knew a Kirby Vacuum Can Do


The first thing that comes to mind when thinking of a vacuum is the dust and dirt suction.

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The 5 things you never knew a Rainbow Vacuum could do!

You'll never guess what 5 things this vacuum can do!


Can a Rainbow Vacuum Cleaner blow air? Can it pickup wet and dry messes? Can it be used as a purifier? What about Pet...

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